I’ll Answer Some Of The Questions That Just Came Up.
And I’ll Point You To A Young Guy Who’s Doing close to $90K a month Doing Exactly What I Describe Here.

Where can you find businesses who are looking for Affiliates to promote their products?

In fact, there are networks of hundreds, even thousands of vendors, all deliberately there because they WANT to find Affiliates to promote their products.

These businesses usually offer a lot of tools to help Affiliates promote them — obviously, it’s in their best interests to help you succeed in helping them make sales!

In addition, there are some clever searches you can do on Google to find individual Businesses with Affiliate Programs that aren’t in a network, but ARE looking for Affiliates.

And … there are several more ways to find them. You just have to know where to look and how to assess the offers available to you. There are some subtleties here and it’s important to know what to look for.

You will find businesses in every possible niche that want Affiliates.
Health care, Wellness, Beauty, Hobbies, Make Money, Personal Development … you name it, there will be businesses willing to pay Affiliate Commissions on sales.
Some Affiliates choose a niche and focus on that. Others like to test a wide range of products and niches and run with what’s working at the moment.

How do you find the people, the “visitors” or “traffic” that are interested in a product or a service?

I could probably give you a list of options that would more than fill this page. Any one of them might give you more traffic than you could ever want. But there are “traffic types.”

So let me give you a couple of the “language” terms you’ll encounter.
There’s a thing called “Targeted Traffic.” This means people who are definitely interested in a topic or a specific product. “Untargeted traffic” means a bunch of people who are just random — might be interested, might not.

There are so-called “Free” ways to get traffic, and then there is “Paid Traffic” — paid ads, in other words. (You might be surprised at which is best.)

Then there’s an issue called “Cold Traffic” in contrast to “Warm Traffic.”
Cold traffic means people who have never heard of you (as the promoter) or the customer or the product until you get their attention. They are often plentiful … but it’s harder to convert them to buyers.

Warm Traffic describes people who have heard of the products, or the vendor, for example.
Even better: when they are actively searching for the specific product you’re promoting!
Knowledgeable Affiliates of course seek-out these people who are “further along the sales path.”
These of course tend to convert much better into buyers.

As you learn what you’re doing you might focus on one traffic type; or, you can develop the ability to choose whatever works best for specific offers. So you can capitalize on any opportunity that emerges.

I’ve explained this in a little more depth because remember — getting traffic to a vendor’s offer is the key skill for an Affiliate Marketer.
I don’t want to overwhelm you — what I want you to understand is that there are basically UNLIMITED amounts of traffic out there for you to tap into. Warm, Cold. Targeted, Untargeted. And UNLIMITED ways for you to tap into that traffic and send it to where you want.

As you develop skills as an Affiliate Marketer, what you’ll be doing is getting more and more skillful at finding the best OFFERS (products, services) to promote. More skillful at finding the best PEOPLE to send. Skillful at getting them “warmed up” if necessary (we call it “Pre-selling”).

And if you really want to be able to make terrific money, what you’ll also learn is that this isn’t “one size fits all.” You’ll get skilled at knowing which of several strategies is the best one to use for a certain type of offer; which is the best for a different type of offer.

You don’t have to be very good, to make money. But if you develop until you reach the advanced stages, it makes you unstoppable. You’ll be able to promote ANYTHING effectively, and get traffic that converts to those offers. Non-stop.

And incidentally; high-performing Affiliates can negotiate bigger commissions.
Sometimes top Affiliates will just be offered them without asking!
And in some Niches, so-called “Super-Affiliates” are actively pursued by Vendors because they can create a flood of sales. These folk can even be rewarded by lump sum payments for a great performance!
But … that’s down the road for you, of course.
Now, I mentioned a couple of traps you need to avoid.

One is that there is one Niche where the demand for products is huge and growing.

There’s a feeding frenzy going on and it revolves around constantly promoting newly-launched products that sell for as little as $7, and where your average commission from the initial $7 sale and some upsells might be $15 – $25.
It’s common for the commission on the low-cost “Front End” product to be 100% to attract Affiliates.
Most of these products are targeted at “Make Money Online” newcomers.

If you “tap into it” the wrong way, and start to BUY products that promise to make you rich overnight, you’ll spend a fortune, you’ll buy a zillion useless products, waste a lot of time and get absolutely nowhere with your business goals.

If you “tap into it” a different but equally wrong way you end up competing with hundreds of other hungry Affiliates to promote these products. It’s a Wild West saloon brawl. Not a healthy place to be unless you are either a trained street-fighter or carrying a weapon that they don’t!

However, if you by-pass the feeding frenzy and tap into this huge hungry niche the right way, you can find success is quick (if you want it to be) and can be massive (if you want it to be). And a lot less stressful, demanding less effort to make the same level of income.

The other trap?
Don’t get sucked-in to promoting “low-end” or “low ticket” items, newly launched or evergreen (“evergreen” meaning the product stays relevant for months, even years), UNLESS they are both high quality and serve as what’s called the “tripwire” to lead an interested person to a bigger sale of a quality product.

Just think of it this way: if you want to make commissions of $10K a month from promoting products that pay $25 commissions, you have to supply visitors to make 400 sales every month. You might have to work hard to find all those people every month … not every person you send to the sales page will buy, of course.

If you want to make $10K/month from sales of a product that pays you a $1,000 commission … you only need 10 successful sales to come from the traffic you send!

And the fascinating thing is that when you know what you’re doing, it’s not really any harder to promote big-ticket sales than the cheap offers. Oddly enough … it can be a LOT easier. But that’s something to cover in more in-depth training.

Last Question: How do you learn how to do this, for real?

The method itself gives you the opportunity to succeed, and get some early wins and move to big wins.

But as I’ve said many times … you have to know how to do it RIGHT.

You have 3 choices.

One is, try to figure it all out yourself. It’s do-able. But it’ll take you months, or years.

You’ll waste a LOT of time learning what you MIGHT need rather than focusing on what you DO need; you’ll spend money you wish you hadn’t, because “trial and error” can involve a lot of trials and a lot of errors.

More importantly, you’ll lose months of the sales you’d have made if you’d taken a better path. If one method gets you to $3K a month (for example) 6 months faster than your trial and error does, that didn’t just cost you $18K of lost income to “do it my way.” It cost you the income lost from the months that you could have been at $5K or $10K sooner.

A 2nd way is to fall for some of these low-end feeding-frenzy products. The vendors are experts in selling you YOUR dreams, promising things like “Easy,” “just 3 steps,” “Push-button money” or “Push-button traffic” and so-on. “Never seen before.” “Unique.”

99% of it is garbage. But the marketers are unbelievably good at what they do.
They’ll have you convinced that THIS is THE one that’ll make you rich.

This path seems like the cheapest way in … just $7 to $17 products up-front. B
But then these people who say (in Private) they’re runninging “Operation Money-suck” pull you into their “One Time Offers,” none are really expensive but man, do they every add-up quickly.

People can end up spending thousands, all in small amounts. But worst of all, after the spending you have NOTHING worthwhile. Waste of time, waste of money, waste of opportunity. But there are THOUSANDS of newcomers in that whirlpool, spinning around and feeling good about how fast they’re moving.

Don’t be one of them.

By the way, there’s an easy “tell” on their sales pages … their testimonials are nearly always from other expert marketers playing the same game.

So these people don’t talk about results because they don’t use these products (even if they say they do). They talk about “My good friend” and “everything that he launches is wonderful and this is no different” and “I begged him not to sell this because he’s giving away too many secrets.”
These are instant signs of probable garbage.

There are things you should look for in a meaningful testimonial.
I list them below and they include DOLLARS MADE.

The 3rd way and the ONLY one I recommend is that you find a very special type of Expert.

These are the characteristics I suggest — as you read them, see if they make sense and by all means add any that YOU think are important, too:

MUST be an Expert in Affiliate marketing, able to point to and PROVE they walk the talk, every day, and make GREAT money from doing it — not just from teaching it and selling courses.

MUST have Students who go public (Testimonials, maybe even in Facebook groups or in Forums) about making good money, about starting to make money relatively quickly, AND who make it clear that they did EXACTLY what the Expert told them to do.

MUST have Courses for sale that are LONG PROVEN to be effective at teaching Students to make money through Affiliate Marketing

MUST be a good Instructor! (Many experts are awful instructors and communicators).

MUST be DETAIL-ORIENTED — too many experts won’t teach the details, they just teach the “big-picture” and leave you to sort out the details — this can burn a LOT of time and be very frustrating.

MUST provide support, or coaching, or both! You will have questions to ask, and you do want to know that someone — the Expert or a trained Support person or specialist coach — will be helpful and prompt in their response.

MUST teach how to make High-Ticket sales!

IDEALLY there’s a community of people who can help you and from whom you can learn a great deal. These folk moften respond faster than a coach would. And they’re out there on the same battlefield as you, of course; just perhaps further along.

IDEALLY an Expert who doesn’t “talk down” to you

IDEALLY an Expert who has High-Ticket products that YOU can promote as an Affiliate! No-one can teach you better how to sell THEIR High-Ticket Products than they can! And no-one knows those products better than you!

IDEALLY an Expert who has a range of products to promote, and a range of tools to help you (as an Affiliate)
promote them.

IDEALLY an Expert where you can get a taste of them, their personality, their teaching style, for a low cost or even for free. This positions you to make an informed decision whether you want to get serious about the opportunity, with absolute confidence by then that the Expert and his/her team will help you succeed.

Do you agree with these? Do these make sense to you?
If so, then Continue on to meet someone who meets ALL those criteria. He’s called Sean.

Don’t let his young appearance and informal, casual style deceive you! He’s not a slick smooth-talking salesman, he’s laid-back and friendly but he also earns 6 figures most months as an Affiliate, specializing in products with Big-Ticket commissions but he also promotes a lot of other products and makes 5 figures monthly just from recurring income commissions.

His courses are recognized as being superb. His students make money and they love him because of it! The “tone” of the testimonials is telling — students feeling very comfortable telling their stories, explaining where they are and asking questions.

If you want the shortest direction between where you are right now and an income from Affiliate Marketing, with detailed training in low-risk methods that will prepare you to promote anything through the most effective proven path with the least wasted time and effort … this guy, his company and his products are definitely worth assessing. I rate him #1.

If you want a Free Way to get to learn more about Affiliate Marketing while you also check-out Sean, click Continue to get entry into a 4-part Training Series.

(If you want a very inexpensive way to get access to an extraordinary Training and Coaching program, where you also get the opportunity to check Sean out and his teaching style and assess the quality of his materials … we’re talking less than the price of a Pizza … click Continue and watch Sean’s video and see the astonishing scope of the material he’s putting your way.)

Check Out Sean Here